A One Diamond X Pony Collaboration


The One Diamond x Pony 'High on Life' collaboration came about through a conversation with Pony Mtl's, founder Gabrielle Laïla Tittley, and One Diamond's Founder, Prince Kerr. The conversation was about the struggles that most virtuous people go through to achieve greatness on both personal and professional levels.


The discussion was deep and insightful, as both parties felt a powerful connection to these struggles, as it directly related to their personal lives. After hours of parlay at Nate Husser's home, known as the Thug Mansion, they agreed on offering the people going through the same struggles and everyday turmoil, something that will give them hope to go on and continue to believe!

Something not so simple as a reason to go on, but rather a representation of the persistence that all great minds and souls have and embody to people who have nothing to believe in. Gabrielle then left inspired by the philosophy of the conversation and came back days later with what we now know as the High On Life Collaboration art work!


Shot by: Ludovic Rolland-Marcotte 
Model: Annika Cuzner

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