The Congolese Montrealer Jackob Jow burst onto the fashion scene and captivated his audience Friday February 5th with a cinematic display of his mind on the runway. His self entitled show was a raunchy display of how profoundly one can reach into himself to display the art and visions we all crave.
One Diamond was more than pleased to be a part of the manifestation. Jackob, 18, also a designer, created all of the looks, which were rooted in authenticity and were translated to be wearable by a wide range of fashionphiles. From dark silk tunics, to fur short-sleeved vests, to flannels and robe-like coats, the inspiration wasn’t too obvious but definitely still impact full.
Street wear inspirations were taken from military fare, resulting in a range of bomber jackets and camo print from our Survival Collection. The show was sold out and well received, successfully setting the bar higher for young designers internationally. See the photos below
–Photography by Akumanistic 天